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terça-feira, janeiro 22, 2008


Make mine a double

Wow! Two posts in a row?! I must be stoned...

Well... For personal reasons (and lack of time) I opted not to write here for long time now. That doesn't mean I'm going to start again like old times. It only mean, hammm, that this is a terrific blog and a totally wast of this amazing space I was granted. Seriously, after all I've been trough I think I deserve at least some cooperation and support.

After all, this is just a taste - I would say a very tasteless one - of what the blog world have been loosing.

Anyway... what would I do without you, my following readers from around the world? By the way, some of you are harassing me. I'm sick of it, stop beeing so sticky, come on, get life, would you?!

Does this make any sense for you? Not at all, young skywalker. But the bottom line is: who even reads this shit apart from yourself? Some misleaded blokes or babes who think this is a totally different space because they were using keywords on google that for any reason picked this blog. And guess what: that's not the bloody weblog you were locking for, you twats!

Nevertheless, I was told by a friend that I might need some anger control. Maybe he's right. Yeah, right!! Who the fuck he think he is?!

Ok, now I'm relieved :)


What the hell...?

Saber que esta cidade é uma cidade muito diferente já concerteza toda a gente sabia. O que falta as vezes e' a constactacao de certas realidades.
Recentemente tive contacto com uma dessas realidades obscuras mas bastante interessante, diga-se de passagem. Mas nao deixaram de me causar alguma perplexidade e inercia. De qualquer forma, o que me possa ter faltado nos ultimos 3 meses, hoje sobra-me por diversas razoes, umas mais obvias do que outras. O que era um recurso abundante e desperdicado, hoje é escasso.

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